Cucumber diet is perfect for the people who don’t like to think too much what to eat during their diet period.
The following diet requires several foods for consuming, and it lasts for ten days, or if you wish better results you can have the extended version of 14 days. You can lose up to 15 pounds, which depends how physically active you are during the diet. The cucumber salad is the basic part of this diet and you can eat it whenever you are feeling hungry. This salad will provide you with plenty of vital nutrients, so there is no need of worrying about the quantity of nutrients ingested during the ten-day diet regime.CUCUMBER DIET LOSE 16 POUNDS IN 2 WEEKS!
Other foods that can be consumed during the day:

2 boiled eggs or 5 oz. of drained tuna oil, or 5 oz of cooked white meat.
2 big boiled potatoes (you can cook them, bake them, steam them, but you mustn’t fry them in oil) or 3 slices of whole-wheat bread.
1 lbs of fresh fruits

You can drink water, tea or sugar-free coffee. You mustn’t drink carbonated drinks, alcohol or eat some sweets. You can combine the cucumber salad with each meal, or you can eat it between the meals. You can also drink a cucumber shake if you are feeling hungry.
Your menu should be like:

Breakfast: Two hard boiled eggs and cucumber salad.
Snack: 5-6 plums or peach or apple…or any other fruit you like up to 7 oz. in weight.
Lunch: Whole meal bread-toasted and cucumber salad.
Snack: You can have cucumber salad or cucumber shake.
Dinner: For dinner you can have some fruits by your choice, up to 10oz.
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