8 DIY Home Remedies For Double Chin

The extra layer of fatty tissues which occurs, under your chin is known as double chin. It is mostly caused due to extra weight of the body.  This baggy skin that appeared is the result of loss of skin’s elasticity where the musculous mylohyoideus is a muscle that lies underneath the chin may loses elasticity and aging is another cause for it. In very rare cases, it caused due to the genes or heredity of the people. Even though it is not harmful, but it appears ugly on the face and reduces our self-confidence.

People want to hide it either by using cosmetics or with the help of clothing or grooming style. But it is a temporary solution to this problem. Some people want to rid of this problem with the help of surgical procedures, but it is too expensive. So to get rid of the problem permanently, you have to follow the below mentioned natural home remedies which gives long lasting results without any side effects.

1. Egg White:

The egg white which is fully loaded with proteins helps to tighten the skin and give you a face lift. It tightens the pores to remove the sagging and fine lines on the skin. This if applied regularly removes the dead skin cells and makes the skin look bright and young and thus helps to get rid of the double chin problem effectively.


    Egg White – 2 eggs
    Milk – 1 tablespoon
    Honey – 1 tablespoon
    Peppermint essential Oil – few drops
    Lemon Juice – 1 tablespoon


    Take a bowl and pour all the ingredients into it.
    Mix the solution perfectly.
    Apply this solution on your face, neck and chin.
    Let it sit for about 30 minutes or until it dries off completely.
    Then wash it with lukewarm water.
    Repeat the process once in every 15 days till you get complete relief from the double chin.

2. Wheat Germ Oil:

Wheat germ oil gives the best results to the skin and double chin. It is fully loaded with all the essential nutrients like vitamin B6 and vitamin B complex, folic acid, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and vitamin E. Here vitamin E acts as best oil for preventing the skin aging and we all know that double can also be caused due to aging so it prevents the problem in that way. The regenerative powers of the oil moisturize the skin and make it healthy. It oil also used to tighten the sagged skin and this helps to reduce the extra fat in the body and double chin is also caused by extra fat in the neck. Finally this oil gives fair complexion to the skin and removes the double chin.


    Wheat gram oil


    Take sufficient amount of wheat germ oil into your palm.
    Apply it on your chin and neck before going to bed at night time.
    Put the thumbs on the bottom of the neck and move upwards that comes towards the chin.
    Massage it for about 15 to 20 minutes.
    Leave it for overnight without disturbing it.
    Repeat this process in every night until you rid of this double chin problem.

3. Sugar Free Chewing Gum:

The chewing gum is a best, tasty and easy remedy for the double chin, if it is not caused due to aging, overweight and heredity but if caused due to weak sagging muscles that lacks in toning. It is necessary to give exercise to tone your muscles and to look in a shape. The facial muscles that are around the jaws have to be toned to get into a line and this prevents the double chin. For this, you must take the sugar free chewing gum and start chewing it to make the muscles to get perfect exercise that are underneath the jaws to get toned up and also to get of double chin and sagging skin. Also remember that the sugar content gum can increases your weight and get worsen the condition of the chin, so always use sugar free chewing gums for clearing the double chin problem without any side effects.


Sugar free chewing gum

    Take a sugar free chewing gum and place it on the mouth.
    Chew it to tone the muscles that are underneath the jaws and clears the double chin.
    Continue chewing these gums for several times in a day.
    Follow this process regularly until it prevents the double chin problem on the face.

4. Cocoa Butter:

Cocoa butter is another effective remedy that has excellent emollient, skin softening and moisturizing properties which help the skin to get well moisturized and gives a complexion to it by eradicating the sagging skin and dead skin cells that leads to aging. It is a great source of anti-oxidants that helps to clear the free radicals on the skin and this in turn helps to eliminate the stress and aging marks on the skin. It also contains high amounts of fatty acids and hydrates the skin deeply to give it more of elasticity. With all these things, cocoa butter helps a lot in reducing the double chin.


Cocoa butter – 1 to 2 teaspoons

    Take the cocoa butter and warm it slightly for a minute or two.
    Apply this butter on your face, neck and chin.
    Massage it gently by moving the thumbs backwards and upwards that finally comes towards the chin.
    Continue doing this massage for about 15 – 20 minutes.
    Repeat the process every night before going to the bed.

5. Melon:

Melon includes 95% of water which gives soothing to the skin by alleviating water retention. It contains lots of vitamins, proteins, phosphorus and calcium. The excellent toning power and the astringent properties help to make the skin tight and elastic. The anti-inflammation property helps to reduce the sagginess and plumpness of the chin. It also contains anti-oxidant and anti-aging property that helps to fight against the free radicals to prevent skin sagging. It has vitamin A in beta – carotene form that clears the free radicals formation and helps to keep the skin look young. Vitamin B in this melon acts as perfect toner for the skin. The collagen gives an excellent affect on the wound healing and also maintaining the insistence of the skin and reduces the double chin with its effective nature.
Method – 1:

    Melon pieces – 2 to 3 (medium size)
    Cotton Ball


    Take the melon pieces and place it on the blender to blend it to make the juice.
    You can pour a little of water in it to get the juice and pour it into a bowl.
    Then take the cotton ball and dip it in that juice.
    Apply the juice on your double chin area.
    Leave it for 15 to 20 minutes.
    Finally rinse it off with water.
    Repeat this process 2 to 3 times a day.

Method – 2:

    Melon pieces – 2 to 3 (medium size)
    Cotton Ball
    Apple – 1/2 slice


    Take the melon pieces and apple and place them in a blender.
    Blend them to get a juice by adding a little of water (if needed).
    Pour it in a small bowl.
    Now apply the juice on your double chin area by using your fingers or a cotton ball.
    Let it sit for about 15 – 20 minutes.
    Rinse off with water and continue doing this same process for 2 – 3 times a day till you cleared the double chin problem.

Method – 3:

    Melon pieces – 2 to 3 (medium size)
    Milk – Equal quantity to the juice
    Cotton Ball


    Take the melon pieces and blend them to get a juice.
    Take out the juice and add the same quantity of milk to it.
    Stir it well and apply this mixture on your chin area.
    Leave it for about 15 to 20 minutes and then wash it with water thoroughly.
    Repeat the process daily till you get rid of the problem.

6. Vitamin E:

Vitamin E provides all the essential benefits to the skin and thus helps to prevent a lot of skin related problems. It improves the texture of the skin and makes it healthy. It moisturizes the skin and avoids the aging problems which further keep the skin clean and clear. It helps to reduce the baggy skin of the chin and maintain the elasticity and reduces the puffiness of the skin. It prevents and repairs the free radicals which are harmful to the skin and body. The anti-oxidants smooth the skin and eradicate the bacteria and other dirt on the skin. It also helps to reduce the sun burns that caused due to UV radiation.
Method – 1:


    Vitamin E Oil or Vitamin E Capsule


    Take sufficient amount of vitamin E oil into your palm and thumb.
    Rub it for 2 minutes to spread all over the neck and chin.
    Now, place the thumbs under the neck and chin.
    Then do this process of taking thumbs back and then up so that you will definitely pull the skin of the chin back and upwards around the jawbone.
    Continue massaging like this for few minutes to reduce the double chin.
    Repeat this massaging process twice a day to get relief from the double chin.

Method – 2:

Including vitamin E rich foods in your diet will help you to get rid of the double chin and also to maintain healthy skin. So here is the list of vitamin E rich foods.

    Brown rice
    Barley, rye, legumes, beans, soy beans
    Green leafy vegetables
    Wheat germ oil
    Nuts, Peanuts
    Sweet corn,
    Dairy products

7. Chin Exercise:

Chin exercises helps to reduce the double chin. These exercises help to tone and stretch your neck, throat and jaw muscles. It will help you to get the perfect shape of the chin and also improves blood circulation of the face. It eradicates the baggy skin of the chin.
Method – 1: (Lift the Chin)

This exercise will help to stretch the jaws, neck and throat muscles to clear the double chin effectively.

    First of all, stand straight and tilt your head and neck backwards.
    You must see the ceiling properly with the help of your neck lying backwards.
    Close your lips by lifting your chin to feel the stretching on your neck muscles and chin. This should be in such a way that you have to pucker the lips tightly.
    Stay on this position for 5 seconds or you can count 1 to 5 numbers.
    Then loose the neck and again stretch it by lifting the chin or neck.
    Stay on this pose for about 5 seconds and then loose it.
    Continue doing this for about 5 – 8 times per section.
    Repeat this section for 4 – 5 times throughout the day at regular intervals of time.

Method – 2: (Roll the Neck)

Neck roll exercise not only helps to tone up and stretch the neck, throat and jaw muscles but also releases all the tension that are made from the shoulders. You can also get relief from the neck and shoulder pain other than getting rid of the double chin.

    First of all, sit or stand straight so as to keep your spine straight while during this exercise.
    Then slowly turn the head towards left while you’re inhaling and try this turning process properly to bring the chin close to the left shoulder.

    Now turn your neck towards the right while you’re exhaling and try to do this properly by bringing this chin close to right side shoulder.

    Continue doing this rolling movement for about 5 – 6 times.
    Then bring the neck towards downside while you’re inhaling to touch the chest.

    Now roll the neck towards upside (backwards) while exhaling till you see the ceiling or feeling a stretch in the neck.
    Continue doing this process for about 5 – 6 times.
    Do this process regularly by increasing the repetition cycles from 5 – 6 to double the number count.

8. Green Tea:

Green tea helps to reduce double chin of the neck and the skin. It contains polyphenols which help to gives healthy body and skin. The anti-oxidants eradicate the free radicals of the body which are causes of the aging problems. The EGCG helps to compose the metabolic rate of the body. EGCG helps to the food turns into calories which further help with the weight loss. It removes the extra water in the body and sagging skin of the neck and also gives a perfect shape of your face and neck. The green tea has low levels of caffeine and high levels of amino acid L-theanine. Actually, you have to aware about the caffeine levels in the green tea, it contains only 25mg of caffeine for a cup, but the normal tea has 100 to 150mg for a cup. The green tea helps to reduce the excessive weight of your chin by boosting the metabolism.


    Green tea bags
    Hot water


    Take a cup and place a green tea bag in which the flavour is of your choice.
    Then pour hot water over it and cover the cup.
    Allow it to steep for about 5 – 8 minutes and then take out the tea bag.
    Drink this tea to prevent the double chin and also gives you many health benefits.
    Continue drinking several cups of green tea per a day, flavour of your choice so that you will help to get a good shape of your chin and neck.

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