easy & Very Simple Ways To Get Rid Of Kidney Stone Simply At Home In Matter Of Days!

Ever wondered what causes kidney stones? Kidney stones are caused due to crystallisation from minerals in the urine. In most cases, they leave the body by passage in the urine stream without causing any pain or trouble. However, if the stones grow sufficiently, they can cause blockage and pain leading to symptoms like nausea, vomiting, fever, blood or pus in the urine, and painful urination.

With kidney stones becoming increasingly common, many people have started looking for alternate home remedies instead of opting for heavy medication. There are quite a few natural remedies that can cure kidney stones in the most effective manner. In this article, we are giving you one of the most efficient remedies that you can try out if you or any of your loved ones is suffering from kidney stones


1 cup pure maple syrup or 8.5 oz. / 250 g powdered brown sugar
5 oz. / 250 ml olive oil
5 oz. / 250 g lemon (use the peel as well)
5 oz. / 250 g parsley root, ground
5 oz. / 250 g honey
Now, let’s go ahead with the preparation of the concoction

Follow the below steps:


Wash and clean the lemons thoroughly, cut them into thin slices and blend them well. Now take the parsley and scrape the root, chop it evenly into small chunks and blend. Once you’re done with the blending of lemon and parsley, add honey, olive oil, and pure maple syrup and stir well. Keep stirring until you get a nice and even homogenous mixture.
now pour this concoction that you just prepared in a glass bottle and keep it in the fridge for refrigeration. This will not let it spoil and will help the mixture last for a longer period of time.

Every morning, take a tablespoon of this concoction in empty stomach (before you eat or drink anything). Repeat the same process every night before you go to bed. Make sure you are taking this remedy twice a day every day.

This is a very powerful remedy and taking 2 dosage of it every day helps eliminate sand or stones from your kidneys and gallbladder. However, make sure that you don’t end up preparing a huge amount the concoction at one go. Prepare it in small quantities every now and then and store it in your fridge. This stops the remedy from losing its inherent healing properties and helps eliminate kidney and gallbladder stones at a much faster rate.

The best part of this remedy is that it tastes delicious and doesn’t have a bitter tinge in it like most other natural concoctions. Not only kidney and gallbladder stones, this mixture is also very effective in treating other health conditions like internal infections and bacteria.

Along with this, do remember that your body needs a lot of fluid in order to eliminate kidney stones. Don’t forget to keep yourself hydrated by drinking lots of water and juices during your therapy. The more you urinate, the better will you feel. Lack of water and fluid intake might worsen your condition leading to extreme pain and surgery. If you want to avoid this situation, make sure you are having at least two liters of urine output per day. Also, limit your sodium, vitamin C, animal protein and soft drink intake to expedite your treatment.

If you take all these precautions, you’re sure to get better and your healthy days will be back in no time.

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